Resume Builder

Build, save, and manage your resumes on your local laptop.


Resume Builder was a project I took on during my job search journey. While there are numerous resume apps available, I noticed many of them eventually require payment for full access. To maintain control over my job and project history, as well as track the companies I've applied to, I decided to develop my own solution. This not only allowed me to have a centralized source of truth but also provided me with greater flexibility in terms of styling. I believe having this tool will prove invaluable whenever I embark on a new job search adventure.


  • Quill text editor for user friendly formatting
  • Drag and drop sections
  • An option to toggle "bot friendly" mode (creates a resume that is easier to read for Applicant Tracking Systems)
  • Persisting database of resumes
  • Save to PDF

Built with

Currently, the application is only able to run on local machines. In the future I will add authentication and host the application on a website for public use. To run locally, follow these steps:

Make sure you have the following packages installed on your machine: docker, docker-compose, colima, just. If you do not have these packages installed, follow these steps:

  • download and install docker
  • install docker-compose (brew install docker-compose)
  • install just (brew install just)
  • download and install colima (brew install colima)

Steps to run app for the first time:

  • Add .env file in the ./server directory with the following variables:
    • PORT is the port the server will run on (i.e. 8080).
    • DATABASE_URL is the url Prisma ORM uses to connect to the postgres database. It should follow this format postgres://${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD}@db:${DB_PORT}/resume_db
  • Add .env file to the ./ui directory with the following variables:
    • REACT_APP_BASE_URL The value should look something like this: http://localhost:${BACKEND_PORT}/api/resumes
  • Once colima is installed, you can run the following command to start up colima with the correct memory allocations, build the ui, and backend images:
$ just setup
  • Once the set up command has completed, run this command to start up the postgres, node, and react containers:
$ just up

Visit localhost:3000 and you are ready to make your first resume!